Registration, Cancellation & Refund Policy
Registration Policies
~ Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis and is limited to space restrictions.
~ Advance registration is required for all programs.
~ Registration is confirmed only upon receipt of payment.
~ Absence from classes does not constitute notice of withdrawal.
~ You will automatically be notified if the program you have registered for has been cancelled or rescheduled, if you have provided us with a valid e-mail address or phone number.
Program Cancellation due to Pandemic / Inclement Weather / Natural Disaster
The Paint Box reserves the right to cancel or postpone programs if the health and safety of individuals is at risk. In these cases a credit towards future programming will be given ASAP.
COVID-19 Illness Policy
~ If a student is showing signs of COVID-19 (fever, sore throat runny nose etc.) they are not allowed to attend a classes or camp at the studio for two weeks after the symptoms have subsided.
~ If a student is ill and tested for COVID-19 they are not permitted to attend class for two weeks following the results (positive or negative) due to the possibility of a false negative.
~ In the case that any of these occur the student will be credited for the balance of the class or camp that they missed.
Registration Procedure
Registrations can be in person at The Paint Box; by telephone, on-line. YOUR REGISTRATION IS VALID ONCE FULL PAYMENT IS MADE AND PROCESSED. Please let us know if you wish a receipt. Payment can be made either by cash, cheque, VISA or Master Card. Registrations are on a first-come first-served basis as soon as session schedules are available.
Returned (NSF) Cheques
A $25.00 administration fee will be charged for cheques that are returned to us by your bank.
Program Withdrawals
Withdrawals from courses must be made at least TWO WEEKS prior to the class/camp start date for a full credit towards future programs. Credits are kept on-file and CAN be transferred to other siblings or friends. We are no longer able to offer cash, cheque or credit card refunds.
Program Cancellation due low Enrollment
All courses are subject to sufficient registration. The Paint Box reserves the right to cancel, postpone or combine individual courses if minimum registration is not achieved. A full refund will be issued in the event of a cancellation. Guardians will be notified of camp cancellations the Saturday before the camp is set to run
Course Transfers
If space is available, students may transfer from one course to another, of equal value, as long as the transfer is done 2 weeks before the class begins.
Wait List
In the event that the class/camp you have selected is full, you can be placed on a wait list. Individuals on the wait list will only be notified if space becomes available.
Age Requirements Children must meet the age requirements of the class/camp listed.
Safe Learning Environment
The Paint Box aims to provide a safe, positive, and welcoming learning environment. We reserves the right to refuse admittance to or de-register any student who prevents our ability to provide such an environment. In the event of de-registration, a refund will be issued for the balance of classes for which the individual is registered.
Special Needs All details of a students special needs must be disclosed at the time of registration. Please note that we cannot provide a support worker, but welcome support-workers arranged and supplied by the family.
WHAT TO WEAR ~ Art can be messy! Although we do provide painting aprons, be sure to wear clothes that you don't mind getting paint, clay or charcoal on!
ACCIDENT POLICY~ In case of accident or illness, if a parent or guardian cannot be reached, we will take your child to the Emergency Ward of the nearest hospital, Royal Jubilee. Signing the consent form gives your authorization for emergency health services.
MAKEUP POLICY ~ If the student is unable to attend a class due to illness or conflict every attempt will be made to accommodate the student and make up the class, within one month, after the missed class. However the responsibility rests with the parent & student, and if the student is unable to make up the class within “The Paint Box” schedule, there will be no refund given.
PERMISSIONS ~ Photos and videos will be taken during art classes for promotional use. Please contact Emily Grav via email if you are not comfortable having your child’s photo or art used in print, in our social media or on our website.
Be sure your student arrives 5 minutes before (no earlier please) his/her scheduled class/camp time. Please pick up your student on time. Please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your student. Instruct your student to wait inside the building and you should escort them from the studio to your car. During peak times the parking lot is crowded. Please take into consideration that our students may include young children. Please drive slowly and carefully.
Discipline Policy available upon request.
~ Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis and is limited to space restrictions.
~ Advance registration is required for all programs.
~ Registration is confirmed only upon receipt of payment.
~ Absence from classes does not constitute notice of withdrawal.
~ You will automatically be notified if the program you have registered for has been cancelled or rescheduled, if you have provided us with a valid e-mail address or phone number.
Program Cancellation due to Pandemic / Inclement Weather / Natural Disaster
The Paint Box reserves the right to cancel or postpone programs if the health and safety of individuals is at risk. In these cases a credit towards future programming will be given ASAP.
COVID-19 Illness Policy
~ If a student is showing signs of COVID-19 (fever, sore throat runny nose etc.) they are not allowed to attend a classes or camp at the studio for two weeks after the symptoms have subsided.
~ If a student is ill and tested for COVID-19 they are not permitted to attend class for two weeks following the results (positive or negative) due to the possibility of a false negative.
~ In the case that any of these occur the student will be credited for the balance of the class or camp that they missed.
Registration Procedure
Registrations can be in person at The Paint Box; by telephone, on-line. YOUR REGISTRATION IS VALID ONCE FULL PAYMENT IS MADE AND PROCESSED. Please let us know if you wish a receipt. Payment can be made either by cash, cheque, VISA or Master Card. Registrations are on a first-come first-served basis as soon as session schedules are available.
Returned (NSF) Cheques
A $25.00 administration fee will be charged for cheques that are returned to us by your bank.
Program Withdrawals
Withdrawals from courses must be made at least TWO WEEKS prior to the class/camp start date for a full credit towards future programs. Credits are kept on-file and CAN be transferred to other siblings or friends. We are no longer able to offer cash, cheque or credit card refunds.
Program Cancellation due low Enrollment
All courses are subject to sufficient registration. The Paint Box reserves the right to cancel, postpone or combine individual courses if minimum registration is not achieved. A full refund will be issued in the event of a cancellation. Guardians will be notified of camp cancellations the Saturday before the camp is set to run
Course Transfers
If space is available, students may transfer from one course to another, of equal value, as long as the transfer is done 2 weeks before the class begins.
Wait List
In the event that the class/camp you have selected is full, you can be placed on a wait list. Individuals on the wait list will only be notified if space becomes available.
Age Requirements Children must meet the age requirements of the class/camp listed.
Safe Learning Environment
The Paint Box aims to provide a safe, positive, and welcoming learning environment. We reserves the right to refuse admittance to or de-register any student who prevents our ability to provide such an environment. In the event of de-registration, a refund will be issued for the balance of classes for which the individual is registered.
Special Needs All details of a students special needs must be disclosed at the time of registration. Please note that we cannot provide a support worker, but welcome support-workers arranged and supplied by the family.
WHAT TO WEAR ~ Art can be messy! Although we do provide painting aprons, be sure to wear clothes that you don't mind getting paint, clay or charcoal on!
ACCIDENT POLICY~ In case of accident or illness, if a parent or guardian cannot be reached, we will take your child to the Emergency Ward of the nearest hospital, Royal Jubilee. Signing the consent form gives your authorization for emergency health services.
MAKEUP POLICY ~ If the student is unable to attend a class due to illness or conflict every attempt will be made to accommodate the student and make up the class, within one month, after the missed class. However the responsibility rests with the parent & student, and if the student is unable to make up the class within “The Paint Box” schedule, there will be no refund given.
PERMISSIONS ~ Photos and videos will be taken during art classes for promotional use. Please contact Emily Grav via email if you are not comfortable having your child’s photo or art used in print, in our social media or on our website.
Be sure your student arrives 5 minutes before (no earlier please) his/her scheduled class/camp time. Please pick up your student on time. Please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your student. Instruct your student to wait inside the building and you should escort them from the studio to your car. During peak times the parking lot is crowded. Please take into consideration that our students may include young children. Please drive slowly and carefully.
Discipline Policy available upon request.
© 2025 The Paint Box School of Art ~ 1284 D1 Gladstone Ave. Victoria B.C. V8T 1G6 ~ 250-590-7571 ~ [email protected]